Probate Treasure Hunting…sounds like a fun adventure doesn’t it?

How would you like for one of your titles to be “Probate Treasure Hunter”?

So what does it entail?

The first step is being able to target profitable probate situations.

That simply means knowing when an estate is being liquidated and how to help them with the process.

The reason for this is because the owner of the property passed away. It happens all the time and will continue to do so as baby boomers age.

So it’s a good skill to have now and going forward…

Imagine you’re one of the many relatives who will be getting a piece of the inherited estate. You don’t live anywhere near the property and begin thinking of how much money you might receive.

That’s the end result of course. So how does the estate get to the point where checks can be sent to those receiving inheritance?

Items in the estate must first be sold off right?

So that’s the estate’s challenge – dealing with all the items left for disbursement.

Yes, many items will be given to the heirs. However many more will often need to be sold or donated.

That’s where you come in. Offer to help these people liquidate EVERYTHING they don’t want to keep…and would rather have the CASH for.

The items or TREASURE may be toys like cars, a boat, camper, motor home, quads, etc…

And how about all the items INSIDE the house like furniture, piano, art, electronics, cool STUFF?

All THESE things may have value.

The way YOU become VALUABLE to the estate is by helping them with this big challenge of liquidation.

Simply put, you offer to buy everything they have for sale in BULK.

You offer a low price letting them know some of the things you may keep or sell, but other items you may have to donate.

Either way they don’t have to worry about it because you’re helping them get rid of all the items so they can reach their ultimate goal of closing out the estate, the probate, and turning it into cash to disperse.

In the process, you can let them know that you may also be interested in buying any real estate they need to get rid of too.

Of course as a real estate investor this is what you’re really wanting to buy in the first place.

However by focusing on the herculean task faced by the estate of liquidating what’s inside the house, you’re getting your foot in the backdoor. You’re reversing your probate investing message.

YOU can help solve their problem, reduce their pain and scoop up bargain property at the same time.

Simply make discounted offers on the real estate too…

Talk about instantly becoming their “go-to-person”!

As for the treasure you find inside and outside of the house, simply turn around and sell what you can at a profit by having an estate sale, yard sale, or selling it on EBay or Craigslist.

Of course you can keep what you want as your personal take of the Probate Treasure!

You can donate the rest for a potential tax right off.

Even if you don’t get a tax right off, you’re donating the rest so that it can be used by good people who will value the items. That’s a win-win-win!

Everywhere we go we’re offered goods that are acquired at lower prices than what they’re being offered for.

With probate treasuring hunting you’re able to potentially find several items at deep discounts to turn around and sell for higher prices.

Up until now all you’ve needed was a source for items to do this with. Now you have one.

Multiply that by the amount of estates that you’re able to deal with and you’re off to the races.

Put yourself in the shoes of the family dealing with the estate. They’re faced with having to liquidate a LOT of property fast. That can be an incredible amount of work especially considering the pressure they’re under.

When you’re able to help others you’re able to help yourself. Come to their PROBATE RESCUE!

You want to buy property fast. They want to sell property fast. Show them how you can help them accomplish this so they can rest easy knowing you’re there for them.

What a great role for you to be in.

You can either target your service as, “I can buy the real estate in your estate FAST”…

Or you can reverse market your probate investing by having your marketing message be…

“I can buy all the personal property in your estate in bulk FAST”…

Or you can combine both messages to be…

“I can buy the Real Estate and Personal Items in your estate in bulk FAST!”

Put on your Probate Treasure Hunter’s hat and start finding the treasure that’s out there waiting to be found…while at the same time helping those trying to get rid of it quickly at a discount.

I hope this helps!


P.S. Click Here for a super stealth way to find more estates that need your service before other investors know about them.

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